by a play of Nina Mazur based on the tragedy of W. Shakespeare.
State Youth Theatre of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Directed by Kamilla Abdurakhmanova.
Saturday, July 3, 7.30 pm
"To be or not to be?" - what is it? The question of life and death? About love and duty?
About conscience and honor? How to live when you know the terrible truth?
How to die when you so want to live?
Hamlet in the play by Nina Mazur is viewed precisely through the prism of an existential question — stuck in his own nightmare of choice. The Youth theater of Uzbekistan finds in this a response in the heart of every young person who is tormented by the question "To be like everyone else, or not to be like everyone else?", plunging into this noir, crazy, otherworldly dream of Hamlet, where the hero himself is not only the Prince of Denmark, but also the Hamlet of nowadays.
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