by Didi Tal
“Vox In Deserto" - in Latin "Voice in the Desert". It’s a well-known expression from the Torah - "The voice of one crying out in the desert," which has become a symbol of a desperate call of a man whom no one either can or doesn’t want to hear. Two lonely refugees, two former famous actors, find themselves on the street of an others' country and anothers' city. Their main wealth is their roles of King Lear and Fool. The great tragedy of Shakespeare and the great tragedy of modernity have come together on this small and "absurd" street stage. A crowded city and a voice crying in the desert.
“VOX IN DESERTO” is made possible with public funds from the Decentralization Program of the New York State Council on the Arts, administered in Kings County by Brooklyn Arts Council.
“VOX IN DESERTO” is sponsored, in part, by the Greater New York Arts Development Fund of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, administered by Brooklyn Arts Council (BAC).
Due to the quarantine measures, the show was performed using online rehearsals and recording in the ZOOM Program.
Premiere – March 2021. Watch the show
Author - Didi Tal (Israel)
Dramatization, directed and scenography - Nabi Abdurakhmanov (USA)
Costume Designer - Vassa Vasileva (USA)
Composer - Ilya Melamed (Russia)
Video design - Evgeniy Fuzulov (Russia), Ildar Shayhlislamov (Uzbekistan)
Video editing of the online versionс - Timur and Nabi Abdurakhmanov, Vassa Vasileva
Lee - Vassa Vasileva (USA)
Foo - Obid Abdurakhmanov (Uzbekistan)
Two lonely refugees, two former famous actors, find themselves on the street of an others' country and anothers' city. Their main wealth is their roles of King Lear and Fool, which they are trying to play for spectators on the street in front of the entrance to the local theater. The great tragedy of Shakespeare and the great tragedy of modernity have come together on this small and "absurd" street stage. A crowded city and a voice crying in the desert.
A young Israeli author, a student at Columbia University, Didi Tal was able to touch a huge theme in a small “absurdist” story and touch hearts.
“Vox In Deserto" - in Latin "Voice in the Desert". It’s a well-known expression from the Torah - "The voice of one crying out in the desert," which has become a symbol of a desperate call of a man whom no one either can or doesn’t want to hear.
For the first time, the show was made on the stage of the State Youth Theatre of Uzbekistan in 2018, as a joint project of
The ESSENCE Theatre-Studio, New York, USA,
The State Youth Theatre of Uzbekistanб Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan
and The International Theatre Festival in Akko, Israel
with the support of The Embassy of the State of Israel in Uzbekistan
The premiere is held on September 5, 2018 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
“VOX IN DESERTO” of the State Youth Theatre of Uzbekistan is:
participant of the International Theatre Festival in Akko, Israel in September 2018.
participant of the VOICES International Online Theater Festival in October 2020, organized by the Jersey City Theater Center, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA.
The show goes in Russian with English subtitles.
Nina Mazur about a Zoom version of VOX IN DESERTO.
Nina Mazur (Germany, Hanover) - theater expert, theater critic, playwright, member of the German ITI Center (International Theatre Institute) and the International Association of Theater Critics (UNESCO).
Regina Gottfried about a Zoom version of VOX IN DESERTO.
Regina Vinitskaya-Gottfried (Germany), head Literary Department of the ESSENCE Theatre-Studio.